Missoula Contact Improv Schedule April-May

All events at private studio in the Lower Rattlesnake


$15-$20 sliding scale unless otherwise noted

4/8 Open Jam with class by Hannah Abram

Move, play, grieve, connect with yourself, with others, with the space as a whole. Join us in asking the question “what makes you feel safe in a jam setting?” Contact Improv is traditionally practiced without music and tonight we’ll honor those traditions.

Snacks will be shared at the end!

4/22 Physics and Mechanics of Weight Sharing with Mackenzie

Weight sharing often arises naturally in contact improvisation. Join us for a slightly more invigorating warm-up, followed by an exploration of the principles of weight sharing: learning to fall and building our connection to the ground, developing awareness around our center of gravity, sensing another’s center and more! If you’ve been curious about lifts, fluid connection and flow -this ones for you. There will be about 20 minutes of time to jam at the end.

5/6 Jam Sandwich

Time at the beginning to tune into yourself, the collective and your curiosity. Part-way through the jam we will circle to share experiences and then dive deeper into these with a couple short structured activities. We will close with some more time to jam.

5/20 Class with Rylee Moore

Rylee will lead us through a progressive exploration of relationship with self into relationship with environment and others. We will delve into sensation and imagery to provoke natural impulses for movement. Our learning edge will be to stay in relationship with ourselves as we explore relationship with others and as we practice locating and enacting what we need in a contact space.

Stay tuned for Summer schedule! We’ll move outside in July!


Contact improvisation dancers at the Salt Spring Contact Summer Festival

Curious about exploring working 1-1 or as a couple with me?


What to expect at Ground Swell